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Radar Image De-noise Method Based on Lifting Curvelet Transformation of Wavelet Decomposition(PDF)


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Radar Image De-noise Method Based on Lifting Curvelet Transformation of Wavelet Decomposition
TIAN Yang-jun1XUE Chun-ji2
1. School o f Earth Sciences and Resources, Changan University, Xian 710054, Shaanxi, China; 2. Key Laboratory o f Mining Resources Remote Sensing Image and Geological Engineering, China University o f Geosciences, Beijing 100083, China)
curvelet transformation lifting wavelet de-noise radar image
A new de-noises way is provided. Traditional wavelet is promoted by lifting scheme, lifting wavelet is used to decompose radar image into sub-band images, and then sub-band images are transformed by ridgelet to new sub-band images. Then, new-band images are de-noised and reconstructed by ridgelet and lifting wavelet to new image. Experimental results demonstrate that curvelet transformation algorithm based on lifting wavelet decomposition has a better efficiency than the curvelet transform algorithm of traditional wavelets decomposition in radar image de-noising. Algorithm of lifting wavelet decomposition is better than traditional average value filter in radar image de-noising.


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Last Update: 2008-09-20