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Experimental Study on Influence of Fluorine Ions Produced by Fly Ash Pond of Power Plant on Groundwater(PDF)


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Experimental Study on Influence of Fluorine Ions Produced by Fly Ash Pond of Power Plant on Groundwater
BAI Ji-hongZHANG Yong-bo
School o f Water Conservancy Science and Engineering, Taiyuan University o f Technology, Taiyuan 030024, Shanxi, China)
fly ash fluorine ion groundwater pollution
The coal ash contains massive trace elements. During their long-term storage process, as the result of the rain water leaching, they possibly cause the pollution of groundwater environment. On the basis of summarizing the predecessors studies, F- often exceeds hygiene standard on drinking water, even exceed comprehensive drainage standard on waste water under natural leaching conditions, and is the main pollution factor in the coal ash. Through the leach experiment indoor, in which F- is considered as a simulation factor, the process of atmosphere precipitation to the coal ash is simulated to analyze the influence of the solution to the soil and the shallow layer groundwater quality. It is found from the simulation that different soil layer has varying degree of F- adsorptive capacity, the dry ash field located in different strata influences the groundwater differently and it can effectively alleviate the pollution of the groundwater by adding the clay as against infiltration level on the dry fly ash pond base.


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Last Update: 2008-12-20