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Distribution Regularity and the Formative Factor Soil Salt of the Kuitun River Basin(PDF)


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Distribution Regularity and the Formative Factor Soil Salt of the Kuitun River Basin
WANG Li-juan1WANG Wen-ke1WANG Zhe2 DUAN Lei1JING Jing1WANG Xiao-dan1
1. Institute o f Hydrogeology and Enviromental Geology, Chinese Academy o f Geological Sciences, Shijiazhuang 050061, Hebei, China;2. School o f Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Changan University, Xian 710054, Shaanxi, China
salt content unsaturated soil distributed characteristic Kuitun River
Through analyzing the salt contents in suspended soils of the Kuitun River basin, the distribution regularity and the affecting factors of soil salt of the Kuitun River basin are studied. The surface soil salt content increases gradually from south to north in the horizontal direction. In the vertical direction of the alluvial-proluvial plain and the plain where groundwater table is shallow, the soil salt content increases with the gradual decreasing of depth. In agricultural area of the alluvial-proluvial plain and the plain, the soil salt content increases with the increasing of depth. In the area where the lithological structure of unsaturated soil is unitary and the ground water level buries quite deep, the salt content present a tendency of small undulation with the increasing of depth. It is thought that the landform and the burying depth of ground water level are the main factors affecting the distribution of unsaturated soil salinity in this area, and the powerful and widespread artificial irrigation have accelerated the accumulation process of salty.


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Last Update: 2008-12-20