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Study on Variation of Available Phosphorus of Soil in Karst Regions Under Rocky Desertification, Southwest China(PDF)


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Study on Variation of Available Phosphorus of Soil in Karst Regions Under Rocky Desertification, Southwest China
ZHOU Lian-chuan1 CHEN Xiao-min1 LI Xiao-liang12 YANG Xin-qiang1 XIA Wen1
(1.School of Resources and Environmental Sciences, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095, Jiangsu, China; 2.School of Plant Sciences, Anhui Science and Technology University, Fengyang 233100, Anhui, China)
karst region rocky desertification process available phosphorus of soil variation
In order to explore the variation of soil available phosphorus in karst regions, methods of field sampling and indoor analysis are used. Soil samples were collected from Libo and Puding counties in Guizhou province, and the content of available phosphorus is studied. The results are as follows: ①There is significant difference in the content of available phosphorus between non-degraded and light degraded soils, and available phosphorus reached the highest content of 9.29×10-6 in non-degraded rending, and as the rocky desertification progresses, the content of soil available phosphorus decrease; ②Content of available phosphorus is higher in surface soil layer than that in bottom layer. It seems that rocky desertification could effect the reduction rate of available phosphorus in profiles; ③Content of available phosphorus varies with time significantly, available phosphorus accumulate from May to July, then the content does not increase until September or November and reaches the highest in next January; ④Content of available phosphorus has a quadratic relation with soil organic matter and clay, the correlation coefficient is 0.901 7 and -0.777 2 respectively, which is extremely significant. It suggests that the content of soil available phosphorus could be enhanced by increasing soil organic matter, which is important to prevent rocky desertification.


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Last Update: 2009-12-20