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Moisture Interaction Between Soil and Atmosphere in Extreme Dry Area(PDF)


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Moisture Interaction Between Soil and Atmosphere in Extreme Dry Area
LI Hong-shou12 WANG Wan-fu123 ZHANG Guo-bin12 QIU Fei1 ZHAN Hong-tao1
(1.Institute of Conservation, Dunhuang Academy, Dunhuang 736200, Gansu, China; 2.Key ScientificResearch Base of Conservation for Ancient Mural of State Administration of Cultural Heritage, Dunhuang736200, Gansu, China; 3.School of Life Sciences, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, Gansu, China)
moisture soil atmosphere temperature extreme dry area Mogao Grottoes
Based on airproof plastic greenhouse which built on the top of Mogao Grottoes and was used to monitor condensation water and air temperature and humidity, the moisture interaction between soil and atmosphere under the condition of classic extreme dry climate in extreme dry area was discussed. The measuring result of condensation water and air temperature and humidity in greenhouse showed that the groundwater was transferred to atmosphere under the influence of thermal power, and the main reason was the alternation of decomposition of bound water and adsorption of soil salinity under the action of temperature. It also caused “soil condensing water” and “soil moisture respiration”. Bound water would “breath out” moisture when temperature rose, soil salinity would absorb and “inbreathe” moisture from atmosphere when temperature dropped, and it became unsymmetrical moisture interaction between soil and atmosphere. The weighing experiments indicated that changes of atmosphere temperature and bound water were unanimous; the soil supported by deep phreatic water absorbed atmosphere water slowly. The study on moisture interaction between soil and atmosphere in extreme dry area could provide some references for the protection of rare cultural relics in Mogao Grottoes.


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Last Update: 2010-06-20