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Theoretical System of Coal Base Water Pollution Research(PDF)


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Theoretical System of Coal Base Water Pollution Research
FENG Jian-guo1 LI Yun-feng2 ZHANG Mao-sheng3
(1.School of Geological Science and Engineering, Shandong University of Science and Technology, Qingdao 266510, Shandong, China; 2.School of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Chang'an University, Xi'an 710054, Shaanxi, China; 3.Xi'an Institute of Geology and Minerals Resources, Xi'an 710054, Shaanxi, China)
coal base water pollution theoretical system North Shaanxi
Water body of coal base was research object and the establishment of theoretical system of coal base water pollution research was research emphases. Based on the practical situation of coal base in North Shaanxi, the theoretical system of coal base water pollution research was built through collecting related documents and materials, the research object, content, achievements conversion of the five branches of the system were discussed, and the problem of water pollution in coal base of North Shaanxi was taken as an example. The results showed that the theoretical system of coal base water pollution research included five branches, background actuality, mechanism, development trend and control countermeasure of coal base water pollution; in coal base of North Shaanxi, more than 80% of groundwater was no or light pollution, surface water was polluted; water chemical compound firstly increased, and then decreased from upper to lower reaches of Kuye River; in future, the main pollution zones in coal base of North Shaanxi were Yuyang District of Yulin City, Jinjitan Town, Jinjie of Shenmu County, Shenmu County Seat Daliuta Town, Fugu County Seat, and so on; seriously polluting enterprises should update technology for cleaner production, polluted water could be treated by sewage treatment plant for the centralized enterprises, new enterprise should have the design of wastewater treatment, domestic sewage could be treated by soil percolation method or sewage treatment plant, solid waste should be treated innocuously, application of fertilizer should be rational in agriculture.


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Last Update: 2010-09-20