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Main Water Environmental Problem and Its Countermeasures in Yinchuan Plain(PDF)


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Main Water Environmental Problem and Its Countermeasures in Yinchuan Plain
(Ningxia Institute of Geological Environment Monitoring,Yinchuan 750021, Ningxia, China)
water resource use water environment soil salinization groundwater desertification Yinchuan Plain
Based on field investigation, sampling analysis and remote sensing image, hydrogeological condition and water resource use in Yinchuan Plain were introduced, the current situation and genetic development of water environmental problems including soil salinization, shrinkage of lake wetland, groundwater salinization, groundwater overexploitation and land desertification were discussed. The results showed that the groundwater was supplied by ditch seepage, irrigation and rainfall infiltration, underground lateral runoff around the plain, flood loss and Yellow River water loss in Yinchuan Plain; the groundwater drained by the means of drainage ditch, evaporation and artificial exploitation; depth of phreatic water was mostly within 3 m; the surface water came from Yellow River, efficiency of water resource use was poor; the total area of saline soil was 8.17×104 hm2 with an down trend, and mainly distributed in the north of Yinchuan Plain, and partly in the south; mudflat mainly distributed in both sides of Yellow River; total salinity of phreatic water increased from west to east and from south to north; over-exploitation of deep phreatic water was serious, and the area of groundwater depression cone was more than 500 km2 in Yinchuan and Shizuishan cities; the desertification land mainly distributed in the east and west of Yinchuan Plain; the main reason of soil and groundwater salinization was the shallow buried depth of phreatic water and strong evaporation. Finally, the countermeasures, which were put forward to preventing the water environmental problems, included strengthening water resource management and coordinating the use of surface and ground water, improving field irrigation, strictly controlling sewage discharge and purifying waste water, and strengthening the monitoring of soil and water environmental quality.


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Last Update: 2010-12-20