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Analyzing of Non-pollution Type Enviromental Geology Problem of Yinmin Mine in Dongchuan Cu Deposit(PDF)


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Analyzing of Non-pollution Type Enviromental Geology Problem of Yinmin Mine in Dongchuan Cu Deposit
DU Yu-long12 FANG Wei-xuan12 LIU Yu-long1
(1. Beijing Technology Center of Resource Exploration, China Non-ferrous Metals Resource GeologicalSurvey, Beijing 100012, China; 2. School of Land Resource Engineering, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650093, Yunnan, China)
mining enviromental geology non-pollution type Dongchuan Cu Deposit Yunnan Province
Economic benefits are achieved mostly at the expense of environment in the development of mineral resource, so environmental geological problem in mine is increasingly serious. Through field survey, the background of geologic environment, which includes landform, hydrometeorology, geological structure and lithology and soil cover, was introduced in Yinmin Mine of Dongchuan Cu Deposit, Yunnan Province; non-pollution type of environmental geological problem in the mine was classified and discussed. The result showed that the advantages to cause geological hazard in the mine were complex landform, strong wind and little rain in dry season, Luoyin shuttered zone, broken friable surface rock, strongly weathered mountain, and so on; the main non-pollution type of environmental geological problem in the mine was divided into land desertification, water loss and soil erosion, land destruction and reclamation, landslide, mud-rock flow, rock and surface collapse; the main reason for the problem was the combination of special terrain, geological structure and hydrology of mine and long term mineral exploration and exploitation. Three suggestions, which were seriously administering related law, strengthening environmental management, setting up supervision and auditing mechanisms and strengthening internal management, were put forward to preventing non-pollution type of environmental geological problem in the mine.


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Last Update: 2010-12-20