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Review and Modification of Definition and Classification of Rhodoid and Cyanoid(PDF)


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Review and Modification of Definition and Classification of Rhodoid and Cyanoid
LIU LiGUO Rong-taoWU He-yuanWEN Li-kun
School of the Earth Sciences and Resources, China University of Geosciences, Beijing 100083, China
carbonate biodetritus rhodoid cyanoid coralgal cyanobacteria oncolite
Based on the formers' research results about the rhodoid and cyanoid, there is no suitable position for them in the previous classification of carbonate particle according to the observation of rock slice with microscope. In view of the genetic significance and reef-forming role, it is necessary to give rhodoid and cyanoid a definite concept and position individually.Coralgal is easily calcified, and the finally preserved coralgal detritus is classified as biodetritus; however, rhodoid was independent calcareous nodule composed by unattached coralgal, so that it could belong to the biodetritus. Cyanoid is the product of cyanobacteria calcification, and in view of the special origin and massive development of cyanoid, the oncolite formed by calcified cyanobacteria is named cyanoid; the above concept has been in use since it was proposed. However, the concept cyanobacteria has substituted for blue-green algae, and then the above concept cyanoid is unsuitable. According to the origin and morphology of rhodoid and cyanoid, it is reasonable to classify rhodoid as bioclast and cyanoid as oncolite, and the new term cyanobacteria corallite is a substitute for cyanoid. The concept and classification of rhodoid and cyanoid could be more normative, and some important clues for the study on carbonate grains are also provided.


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Last Update: 2011-06-20