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Simulation Study on Hydrological Response of Water Quantity to Climate Change in Zigetang Lake of Tibetan Plateau During the Past 50 Years(PDF)


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Simulation Study on Hydrological Response of Water Quantity to Climate Change in Zigetang Lake of Tibetan Plateau During the Past 50 Years
SHEN Hua-dong12YU Ge1
1. State Key Laboratory of Lake Science and Environment, Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008, Jiangsu, China; 2. Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
climate change precipitation discharge hydrological response numerical simulation SWAT model Zigetang Lake Tibetan Plateau
The spatial and attribute databases of soil, vegetation, climate, etc., were built by the means of numerical simulation in Zigetang Lake of Tibetan Plateau; and then, the flows of Zigetang Lake from 1956 to 2006 were simulated by the means of the distributed hydrological model in basin scale(SWAT model); finally, the hydrological processes in Zigetang Lake during the past 50 years were inverted, the effects of sensitive factors including temperature, precipitation and evaporation on the change of lake water quantity were measured, and the responses of lake water quantity to climate change during the past 50 years were discussed. The boundary conditions for running the model were natural topography, soil and vegetation cover, and the soil data included organic matter content, soil particle size and other physical and chemical parameters. The results showed that annual average discharge was 6.3 m3/s and the peak of discharge appeared from August to October, and there was another peak in March because of the supplement of thaw; the simulation result coincided with the remote sensing interpretation; the response of hydrological process to lake discharge was relatively sensitive in plateau lake, such as Zigetang Lake; the discharge in Zigetang Lake was mostly influenced by precipitation, and the discharge increased significantly with the increase of precipitation; the discharge increased insignificantly and the evapotranspiration increased fast when the temperature was high when the temperature increased; however, the discharge in Zigetang Lake increased significantly and the evapotranspiration decreased under the condition of cold and wet model.


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Last Update: 2011-09-20