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Study on Environmental Effect of Foundation Backfilled with Coal Gangue(PDF)


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Study on Environmental Effect of Foundation Backfilled with Coal Gangue
LI Shu-zhiBAI Guo-liangTIAN Ying-bin
Tangshan Branch of China Coal Research Institute, Tangshan 063012, Hebei, China
coal gangue foundation backfilled environmental effect groundwater radioactivity pollution Kailuan mining area
In order to find the environmental effect of foundation backfilled with coal gangue on the new village construction, taking the new village construction in Lujiatuo of Kailuan mining area as an example, the process of foundation backfilled with coal gangue was introduced; chemical composition and content of coal gangue were measured; the environmental quality indexes of groundwater including pH, total hardness(CaCO3)and concentration of F-, SO2-4, Pb, Cd and Cr6+ were measured with the eluviating experiment; effects of foundation backfilled with coal gangue on water and atmosphere environments were discussed; the danger of coal gangue radioactivity to human healthy was evaluated according to Regulations for Radioactive Waste Management. The results showed that through the field vibration compaction test, the layered filling and vibratory compaction parameters and rolling number of foundation backfilled were determined; the reasonable proportion for the volume ratio of coal gangue to soil was 5:2, if gangue with 500 mm thickness was backfilled, then there were flyash or soil with 200 mm thickness above the gangue, and the optimal thickness of surface soil was 0.5 m; the contents of SiO2 and Al2O3 of coal gangue were higher, and the coal gangue belonged to basic rock, and weathering and hydrolysis easily happened because there were carbon, aluminum and CaO in coal gangue; the reclamation process of foundation backfilled in layer and compacted decreased the hazardous substance release from coal gangue, and reduced the transport velocity of contaminant, and there was no significant influence on water environment; foundation backfilled with coal gangue decreased air pollution significantly; the coal gangue as building material was not radioactive waste, and had no adverse effect on human healthy.


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Last Update: 2011-12-20