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Constraints of Metallogenic Ages of Santonggou Manganese Deposit in East Kunlun, China: Detrital Zircons U-Pb and Black Shale Re-Os Chronology(PDF)


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Constraints of Metallogenic Ages of Santonggou Manganese Deposit in East Kunlun, China: Detrital Zircons U-Pb and Black Shale Re-Os Chronology
ZHANG Chen-ming12 YU Miao1* DAI Wei3 YANG Mu1 LIAO Fang-zhou3 ZHANG Bin-wu1
(1. School of Geosciences and Info-physics, Central South University, Changsha 410012, Hunan, China; 2. School of Earth and Space Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China; 3. The Third Geological Exploration Institute of Qinghai Province, Xining 810008, Qinghai, China)
metallogenic chronology provenance manganese deposit Re-Os Dating U-Pb Dating Proto-Tethys ocean tectonic evolution East Kunlun
P597; P618.32
The discovery of Santonggou manganese deposit is an important breakthrough in manganese prospecting in East Kunlun. The detrital zircon from two siltstone samples of Santonggou manganese deposit were used for LA-ICP-MS U-Pb dating. The detrital zircon U-Pb ages are ranging from(1 497±17)Ma to(427±4)Ma, with two peaks of 441 and 473 Ma, respectively. The youngest detrital zircon age is(427±4)Ma, indicating the age of Santonggou manganese deposit is later than 427 Ma. The age peaks of detrital zircon are consisting with Early Paleozoic Naji Tal Group, and indicate that the detritals provenance are the middle strata of Naji Tal Group. The Re-Os isochron age of black shale from Santonggou manganese deposits are(387.4±6.2)Ma, indicating that the age of burial diagenesis is Middle Devonian, and the initial precipitation of manganese is earlier. Based on isotopic dating results, the sedimentary age of Santonggou manganese deposit is limited in Late Silurian-Middle Devonian. The relationship between the mineralization of Santonggou manganese deposit and the subduction of Proto-Tethys ocean is discussed based on the main view about genesis of Early Paleozoic marine sedimentary manganese deposit. It is considered that the subduction and closure of Proto-Tethys ocean in Early Paleozoic is the main reason for the mineralization of Santonggou manganese deposit, and the metallogenic age of Santonggou manganese deposit is basically consistent with the closure time of Proto-Tethys ocean.


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Last Update: 2023-05-30