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Enrichment Characteristics and Genesis Mechanism of Critical Metal Cesium in Xintian Coal Mine of Pingle Depression, Jiangxi, China(PDF)


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Enrichment Characteristics and Genesis Mechanism of Critical Metal Cesium in Xintian Coal Mine of Pingle Depression, Jiangxi, China
DAI Jun-feng12 LI Zeng-hua2 XU De-ru2 ZOU Yong-jun3 XIAO Fu-qiang3 MI Zhen-hua3 ZHANG Jian2
(1. School of Marine Engineering, Jiujiang Vocational and Technical College, Jiujiang 332007, Jiangxi, China; 2. School of Earth Sciences, East China University of Technology, Nanchang 330013, Jiangxi, China; 3. Jiangxi Provincial Coal Geological Exploration Research Institute, Nanchang 330001, Jiangxi, China)
coal petrology cesium critical metal geochemistry enrichment characteristic genesis mechanism Pingle depression Jiangxi
Coal and its fly ash after combustion can be rich in critical metals, and the content can reach or even exceed the traditional deposit, which is expected to become the main source of critical metals in the future. Xintian coal mine in the western Pingle depression was taken as the research object, and the technical methods such as SEM-EDS analysis, TIMA system, XRF, and ICP-MS were used to carry out coal petrology and whole-rock geochemistry research, aiming at finding out the enrichment types and causes of critical metals in Xintian coal mine. The results show that the coal in Xintian coal mine is mainly composed of organic matter and kaolinite, followed by quartz, feldspar and illite, with slight magnetite, tremolite, rutile, and apatite. Compared with the contents of critical metals in global coal and global sedimentary rocks, Cs is considered as the main critical metal that is enriched in Xintian coal mine and can be enriched in the coal seams and floor surrounding rocks. The occurrence mode of critical metal Cs may be that isomorphism replaces K and Rb in the feldspar lattice, isomorphism replaces K in illite, exists in lattice of clay minerals or is adsorbed by clay minerals together with Li. Combined with the study on Al2O3/TiO2 ratios and the characteristics of rare earth elements with coal seam and surrounding rock in Xintian coal mine with the evolution history of regional tectonic-magmatic activity, it is considered that the enrichment of critical metal Cs in coal may be the terrigenous source formed by weathering of Paleozoic granite in the southern margin of Pingxiang coal-bearing basin, and the superimposition by later Cs-rich magmatic hydrothermal fluid in Yanshanian is beneficial to the further enrichment of critical metal Cs in coal.


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Last Update: 2023-10-15