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Se Enrichment Mechanism of the Xiaorequanzi Copper-zinc Deposit in East Tianshan, China(PDF)


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Se Enrichment Mechanism of the Xiaorequanzi Copper-zinc Deposit in East Tianshan, China
CHEN Hao-nan1 DENG Xiao-hua1* HE Xi-heng1 ABULIMITI Aibai2¢k
(1. School of Earth Science and Resources, Chang'an University, Xi'an 710054, Shaanxi, China; 2. XinjiangResearch Center forMineral Resources, Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Urumqi 830011, Xinjiang, China)
critical metals Se VMS deposit copper-zinc deposit occurrence status enrichment mechanism East Tianshan
The Xiaorequanzi deposit is a volcanic massive sulfide(VMS)deposit that occurred in Carboniferous volcano-sedimentary sequence, which is located in the western section of Dananhu-Tousuquan arc belt, East Tianshan. Critical metals such asSeare associated with Xiaorequanzi VMS deposit. However,Seoccurrencestatusand enrichment mechanismareambiguous, which restricts the comprehensive utilization ofSe.Based on previous research on the geological characteristics of ore deposits, the automated integrated mineral analysis and electron probe micro-analysis on sulfides in differentmineralizationstages of ore were used to exploreSeoccurrence status and enrichment mechanismin the Xiaorequanzi deposit. The results show that Se occurs as independent mineral, namely clausthalite, or exists in the lattice of sulfide. Clausthalite occurs in a subhedral to anhedral shape with particle size less than 30 ¦Ìm, which is encapsulated in chalcopyriteof exhalative sedimentaryperiodand late hydrothermal overprinting period. The Se, S, and Pb contents of clausthalite are 20.25%-23.87%, 1.11%-2.61%, and 72.49%-76.57%, with an average of 22.15%, 1.92%, and 74.51%. The average S/Se ratio is 0.087, and the average chemical formula of clausthalite is Pb(Se0.78S0.17).The Se contents of pyrite, chalcopyrite, and sphalerite are 0.07%, 0.15%and 0.29%, and the average S/Se ratios are 716, 222 and 110. The average content of Se and S/Se ratio of sulfideineffusive deposit periodare 0.20% and 212. The average content of Se and S/Se ratio of sulfide in the late hydrothermal overprinting period are 0.05% and 938, which show a decreasing trend of Se content. Combined with the results of previous fluid inclusion studies,Se enrichmentmechanismin the Xiaorequanzi deposit is attributed to the magmatic fluid with higher temperature and higher oxygen fugacity, whileSe mineralization weakens followed by the decreasing of oxygen fugacity and temperature.


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Last Update: 2024-05-30