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Evaluation and Dynamic Mechanism of Green Transformation Development inMountainous Counties of Zhejiang, China(PDF)


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Evaluation and Dynamic Mechanism of Green Transformation Development inMountainous Counties of Zhejiang, China
WENG Yi-jing1* YANG Yue1 WEN Yan-bing2 DU Lei3
(1. School of Economics and Management, Zhejiang University of Science and Technology, Hangzhou 310023, Zhejiang,China; 2. School of Economics, Jiaxing University, Jiaxing 314001, Zhejiang, China; 3. Development Planning Department,Zhejiang Chinese Medical University, Hangzhou 310053, Zhejiang, China)
green development green transformation vertical and horizontal pull-off grade method standard deviation ellipse GTWR model temporal and spatial differentiation Zhejiang
X22; F124.5
Quantifying green transformation level of 26 mountainous counties is crucial for the construction of a demonstration zone for common prosperity in Zhejiang. Based on the perspective of “green ecology-green production-green life” three-dimensional space, a green transformation indicator system was constructed; the temporal and spatial differentiation characteristics and driving factors of green transformation in 26 mountainous counties of Zhejiang from 2010 to 2021 were studied using vertical and horizontalpull-off grade method,gravity center-standard deviation ellipse, and geographically and temporally weighted regression(GTWR)model. The results show that ① from 2010 to 2021, the overall green transformation of26mountainous counties showes an increasing trend, with an average annual increase of 2.428%, indicating that there is still considerable room for improvement; thevariationcoefficientof green transformation decreases year by year, andthe characteristic ofthe regional differences gradually changes from “large gap and low level” to “small gap and high level”. ②From 2010 to 2021,green transformation of 26 mountainous counties gradually showes a spatial distribution pattern with “Yongjia-Jinyun-Qingtian” as the core; thegravity centerof green transformation gradually expands to the north, and the northernregionof26 mountainous counties have a significant improvement in green transformation during the study period; the spatial distribution of green transformation in26 mountainous counties generally follows a northwest-southeast trend, and the distribution pattern is relatively stable; the distribution range of the standard deviation ellipse gradually narrows, and the spatial agglomeration continues to increase, indicating that the problem of regional development imbalance has improved. ③ Each influencing factor shows strong temporal and spatial heterogeneity. Economic development, urbanization, government regulation and human capital quality have always been the main driving factors forgreen transformation of 26 mountainous counties; the driving forces of financial development, scientific,technological level and openness to the outside world have gradually increased; the drivingeffectof industrial structure is still unstable, and the driving ability forgreen transformation of 26 mountainous counties is limited.


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Last Update: 2024-08-20