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A Bounding Surface Model for Granular Soils Under Low Stress Level(PDF)


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A Bounding Surface Model for Granular Soils Under Low Stress Level
LI Shu-zhao1 SUN Guo-dong1 ZHANG An2 WANG Dong2*
(1. Beijing Research Center, CNOOC, Beijing 100028, China; 2. Shandong Engineering Research Center of Marine Exploration and Conservation, Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266100, Shandong, China)
constitutive model granular soil theoretical modeling low stress level bounding surface interlocking strength critical state
Under low-stress conditions, the mechanical behavior of soils is significantly influenced by enhanced particle interlocking effects, leading to higher friction angles and more pronounced dilatancy. Neglecting these characteristics in engineering design may result in inaccurate analyses and even trigger geological hazards. The SANISAND-04 bounding surface model was extended by introducing a particle interlocking strength parameter, modifying the model's yield surface, critical state surface, bounding surface, and dilatancy surface; SANISAND-L model was built and the model was validated using triaxial shear test results on two types of granular soils with different interlocking strengths. The results show that SANISAND-L model with the addition of only one model parameter, accurately reflects the increased peak and critical state internal friction angles of granular soils under low-stress conditions while maintaining applicability under higher stress levels; this model's parameter can be directly calibrated from critical state strength data under low-stress conditions; this model validated demonstrates good predictive capability; for Toyoura sand, at an effective confining pressure as low as 2 kPa, the model achieves a predicted relative error of less than 2% for the peak internal friction angle, significantly outperforming SANISAND-04 model, which has relative errors exceeding 25%. The model features a simple structure and convenient parameter calibration, and can be directly implemented by modifying the code of SANISAND-04 model. It will facilitate more precise finite element simulations of shallow foundation bearing capacity, seabed pipeline installation, and other shallow soil layer engineering problems.


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Last Update: 2025-01-20