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 LIU Hu-jun,XUE Xiang-xu.Discussion on the Cenozoic and Its chronology in the Weihe River basin[J].Journal of Earth Sciences and Environment,2004,26(04):1-5.





Discussion on the Cenozoic and Its chronology in the Weihe River basin
LIU Hu-junXUE Xiang-xu
Department of Geology , Nor thwest University , X i' an 710069 , China
Cenozoicchronology the Weihe River basin Shaanxi
秦岭造山带北缘的渭河盆地,新生界十分发育,前人建立了盆地地层系统,随着地质成果的不 断积累,原有的地层系统需要重新整理。在前人工作基础上,根据新的全球变化研究资料和数据,对渭 河盆地新生界部分地层的年代做了重新认识。认为红河组形成于古近纪中始新世—晚始新世;白鹿塬 组形成于古近纪晚始新世—早渐新世;冷水沟组形成于新近纪中新世早期;寇家村组形成于新近纪中新 世中期;灞河组形成于新近纪中新世晚期。蓝田组和游河组不存在层位上下关系,它们可能是地史时期 形成的同期异相沉积;三门组的上界年代在不同的地区各不相同,表明古三门湖的消亡时代不同的地区 存有差异。蓝田组和游河组形成时期,研究区地形地貌发生分异,表现为地形凸起和凹陷并存,凸起堆 积风成沉积,凹陷接受湖泊沉积,这一地貌格局很可能自7.3MaB.P.以来,一直持续到0.15MaB.P., 黄土高原的风尘堆积与古三门湖并存的地貌格局是新近纪晚中新世最晚期至0.15MaB.P.以来研究 区重要的地质事件之一,它是当时研究区区域构造运动作用的结果。
The Weihe River basin lies in the norther n margin of the Qinling orogenic belt, and the Cenozoic in the basin is v ery developed .The previous researchers have set up the stratigr aphic system in this basin.With accumulation of the g eolo gical results, the o riginal stratigraphic system needs to be rear ranged.Based o n the previous studies , according to the updated materials and datum of studies about the g lobal change , this paper has reconsidered the Cenozoic in the Weihe River basin , and the chronology of some strata is stadied.The authors considered that the Honghe Formation formed during the Middle -Late Eocene Epoch of the Paleocene Perio d, the Bailuyuan Formation formed during the Late Eocene Epoch to the Early Oligocene Epoch of the Paleocene Period , the Lengshuig ou Fo rma tion formed during the Early Miocene Epoch of the Neocene Period, the Koujiacun Fo rma tion formed during the Middle Miocene Epoch of the Neocene Period , and the Bahe Fo rmation formed during the Late Miocene Epoch of the Neocene Period.The co ntact relationship between the Lantian Formation and Youhe Fo rma tion is not up and dow n, which implies that they may be formed in different sedimentary environments a t the same time during the g eological histo ry .The geological age of the top part of Sanmen Formation varies in different reg ions , which states that the v anishing time of the ancient Sanmen Lake was different in studied area .As the Lantian Fo rma tion and the Youhe Formation formed, the topog raphic and geomo rphic pattern was divided into protrusions and depressions, the eolian deposition piled up on the protrusions, and the lacustrine deposition heaped up in the depressions .This geomorphic patter n probably sustained during 7.3 Ma B .P .to 0 .15 Ma B .P ., One of the impo rtant geological events is that the ancient Sanmen Lake and the eolian deposition of the Loess Plateau coexisted during the Latest period of the Late Miocene Epoch of the Neocene Period to 0 .15 Ma B.P.in studied area , it reflects the regional tectonic Movement in Weihe River basin.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2004-12-20