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 YANG Ze-yuan,WANG Wen-ke,MA Xiong-de,et al.Assessment of Present State on Supergene Eco-environment in Tuwei River Watershed[J].Journal of Earth Sciences and Environment,2006,28(03):87-91.





Assessment of Present State on Supergene Eco-environment in Tuwei River Watershed
YANG Ze-yuanWANG Wen-keMA Xiong-deYANG Xiao-ting
School of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Chang’ an University, Xi’an 710054, Shaanxi, China
supergene eco-environment groundwater Tuwei river watershed assessment north Shannxi
以地下水为主线,开展流域表生生态环境评价的方法研究尚处于发展之中。以秃尾河流域为例,紧紧 围绕地下水这条主线,在建立流域表生生态环境递阶层次评价指标体系和评价标准的基础上,尝试采用模糊综 合评判方法与模糊迭代自组织数据分析技术相结合,开展流域表生生态环境现状评价。评价结果表明,流域生 态环境现状总体较好,其中盖沙丘陵区、河流源头和河谷阶地区及沙漠区是水资源与生态环境保护的重点,这些 研究为评价生态环境脆弱区水资源开发利用对表生生态环境的影响以及保护流域水资源与生态环境提供了科 学依据。评价结果与流域生态环境实际更为吻合,规律性更明显。
Regarding groundwater as the main clue, the study of assessment method of supergene eco-environmentin wa- tersheds is developing. This paper, taking Tuwei river watershed as an example, circling to the main clue of groundwa- ter, tries to combine fuzzy comprehensive assessment method with fuzzy interactive self-organizing data analysis technique (fuzzy ISODATA)to assess the present state of eco-environmentin the watershed. The assessmentindex system and as- sessment standards are established. The assessment result shows that the overall environment is good. The hilly area covered by sand, the valley area, the river source area and the desert area are key areas for water resources and eco-envi- ronment protection. These results provide the scientific basis to assess the influence of water resources exploitation on eco-environment and the protection of water resources and eco-environment in vulnerable regions. The assessment results coincide well with real conditions in Tuwei river watershed.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2006-09-20