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 FANG Jian-jun,WANG Jian-qiang,QIU Xin-wei,et al.Geoscience Significance and Identification of Meteorite Impact Structure[J].Journal of Earth Sciences and Environment,2008,30(03):234-239.





Geoscience Significance and Identification of Meteorite Impact Structure
FANG Jian-jun1WANG Jian-qiang1QIU Xin-wei1GAO Fei1GAO Xin-kui2
1.Department o f Geology, Northwest University,Xian 710069, Shaanxi, China; 2.Operation Engineering Company, Yanchang Oilfield, Yan' an 716000, Shaanxi, China)
meteorite impact geoscience significance impact structure identification
陨星撞击是太阳系各行星及卫星演化、地质历史中导致古气候环境灾变与生物灭绝和新生的主要营力之 一,在地球演化早期是一种较为普遍发生的事件。研究陨星撞击作用及其影响是探讨地球演化的有机组成部 分,无论在基础理论方面还是在实际应用方面,都具有重大的意义。目前对于陨星撞击的地学意义研究,主要集 中在撞击事件与地球环境灾变、地球生命更替、板块构造动力学、富集成矿(藏)等关系方面。撞击构造是判识陨 星撞击事件最明显和最直接的记录,其形态和规模、岩石学、矿物学、地球化学、构造和地球物理等特征是判识撞 击构造的重要标志。
Meteorite impact is one of the important agents that caused the palaeoclimatic environment catastrophe and the extinction and rebirth of creatures in the geologic history during the evolution of planets and satellites in the solar system, and it is also the very common event during the nonage evolution of the earth. The study of meteorite impact and its influence is necessary to investigate the evolution of the earth and has an important significance both in the basic theories and practical applications. Nowadays, the studies on the geoscience significance of meteorite impact mainly focus on the relationship between impact event and the earths environment catastrophe, the life successions on the earth, the plate tectonic dynamics and the concentration in ore-formation etc. The impact structures are the most evident and direct records to identify the meteorite impact events and their characters of shape, size, lithology, mineralogy, geochemistry, structures and geophysics are the important signs to identify the impact structure.


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