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 MEN Yu-ming,SHI Yu-ling.Some Important Scientific Questions in the Research on Xian Ground Fissures[J].Journal of Earth Sciences and Environment,2008,30(02):172-176.





Some Important Scientific Questions in the Research on Xian Ground Fissures
MEN Yu-mingSHI Yu-ling
Key Laboratory o f Western Chinas Mineral Resources and Geological Engineering, Ministry o f Education, Changan University, Xian 710054, Shaanxi, China)
Xian ground fissure research advancement scientific question soil-structure interaction safety supervise
分析了西安地裂缝的研究现状,认为目前西安地裂缝研究尽管取得了许多成果,但研究仍以定性分析为 主,在定量研究方面并不多见,不能满足当前城市建设防灾设计对地裂缝研究的需要。因此,针对近年来地裂缝 研究中遇到的问题,提出了西安地裂缝研究中的几个重要科学问题,即:西安地裂缝的剖面结构特征;西安地裂 缝的活动趋势与工程寿期内的位错量预测;地裂缝活动环境下的土与结构相互作用分析方法;地裂缝地带的结 构累积破坏理论;跨地裂缝带重要结构物的安全监测理论以及地裂缝地带结构的维护理论,这些理论都是西安 地裂缝研究中亟待解决的重要科学问题,希望引起同行的共同关注和深入研究。
This paper summed up the research situation of Xian ground fissures, on despite there had many achievements, but in general, the current research work is still mainly qualitative results, and quantitative research results are rare, this situation cannot meet the need of current design of urban construction and disaster prevention and ground-fissures research. For problems that have recently encountered in the ground fissures research, it brought up several important scientific questions in Xian ground fissures research. They are follows: the structure Features of profile of Xian ground fissures; the active tendency of Xian ground fissures and the dislocation forecasts during the period of project; the analysis method including soil-structure interaction under the ground fissures active circumstances; the theory of the structural destabilizing accumulation in ground fissures zone; the safe monitor theory of important structures crossing ground fissures belt, and the theory of the structural maintenance in the ground fissures zone. These theories are the important scientific questions which need to be solved urgently in the Xian ground fissures research. We hope the colleague scholars to pay attention to these questions and do deep researches on them.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2008-06-20