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 QIN Jiang-feng,LAI Shao-cong,BA I Li.Petrogenesis and Crust-Mantle Interaction of Mid-Triassic Yangba Pluton from Kangxian in Gansu Province[J].Journal of Earth Sciences and Environment,2006,28(02):11-18.





Petrogenesis and Crust-Mantle Interaction of Mid-Triassic Yangba Pluton from Kangxian in Gansu Province
QIN Jiang-fengLAI Shao-congBA I Li
Department of Geology, Northwest University, Xi’an 710069, Shaanxi, China
Yangba Pluton Mid-Triassic magmatic mixing crust-mantle interaction crust growth Gansu Province
出露于甘肃康县南部阳坝镇一带的阳坝岩体具有典型的岩浆混合特征,岩体中暗色微粒包体发育,主 要类型为暗色细粒微粒闪长质及石英闪长质岩浆包体,岩浆包体与寄主岩石界限清晰。岩浆包体具淬火结构: 角闪石呈长柱状,黑云母呈长条片状,磷灰石呈针状,包体中出现石英颗粒集合体及发育熔蚀环的斜长石捕虏 晶。岩石学、地球化学研究表明,微粒闪长质包体的(La/Yb)N、Rb/Sr值都比寄主岩石高,且铕亏损程度更大, 包体和寄主岩石的Mg#高(寄主岩石Mg#=50.8~54.5,暗色包体Mg#=55.6~60.1)。结合岩相学特征可以 认为,暗色微粒包体可能是幔源的高温偏基性岩浆侵入到花岗闪长质岩浆中淬火结晶的产物,在此过程中,花岗 质岩浆受到幔源物质混染,表明在中三叠世,扬子板块西北缘曾发生壳-幔混合作用。
The Yangba granodiorite pluton, located in Yangba Town, southern Kangxian, Gansu Province, NW China, presents the typical geological and petrographical features of mixing of two different magmas in composi- tion. Melanocratic magmatic enclaves are well developed in the pluton. They are mainly fine-grained or micro- granular diorites and quartz diorites, and have clear contact border with host rocks. Some features suggest that the magmatic enclaves have quenched rim texture: long-pillared hornblende; long-sheeted biotite; acicular apa- tite; corrosion borders of plagioclase xenocrysts and quartz aggregates in the enclaves. The detailed studies of pe- trology and geochemistry conclude that the micrograular enclaves are characterized by higher(La/Yb)N(32.82~ 51. 78), higher Rb/Sr(0.11~ 0.27)and lowerδ(Eu)(0.75~ 0.84)than host rock((La/Yb)N= 22.18~ 29.51, Rb/Sr= 0.085~ 0.107,δ(Eu)= 0.84~ 0.89). Hence, it is impossible to regard the microgranular enclaves as refractory residue. The high Mg# of both enclave and host rock(enclave Mg#= 55.6~ 60.1, host rock Mg#= 50. 8~ 54.5)suggest that the microgranular enclaves are mantle-derived and host rocks are lower crust melts which are contaminated by mantle-source materials. Combining with petrographical evidence, it can be infered that the microgranular enclaves are the products of quenching and crystallization of hot, mantle-derivered mafic magma intruding granodiorite magma chamber. Therefore the hybrid petrogenesis of Yangba pluton suggests an important crust-mantle interaction and crust vertical growth of northwestern Yangtze Plate during Mid-Triassic.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2006-06-20