|本期目录/Table of Contents|

[1]李琳娜,刘 丹,纪 璇.乡村交通运输地理研究进展[J].地球科学与环境学报,2023,45(03):719-733.[doi:10.19814/j.jese.2023.02016]
 LI Lin-na,LIU Dan,JI Xuan.Review on Rural Transport Geography[J].Journal of Earth Sciences and Environment,2023,45(03):719-733.[doi:10.19814/j.jese.2023.02016]





Review on Rural Transport Geography
李琳娜1刘 丹1纪 璇2
(1. 北京师范大学 地理科学学部,北京 100875; 2. 广东中大管理咨询集团股份有限公司,广东 广州 510220)
LI Lin-na1 LIU Dan1 JI Xuan2
(1. Faculty of Geographical Science, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China; 2. Guangdong Zhongda Management Consulting Group Co., Ltd., Guangzhou 510220, Guangdong, China)
乡村交通运输地理 乡村地域系统 可达性 交通运输地理学 乡村地理学 CiteSpace软件 乡村振兴
rural transport geography rural regional system accessibility transport geography rural geography CiteSpace software rural revitalization
乡村交通运输地理作为乡村地理学与交通运输地理学的交叉研究领域,近年来逐渐引起国内外学者的关注。利用CiteSpace软件对相关文献进行关键词共现分析和突现分析,探索了国内外研究热点与前沿,并总结和梳理了乡村交通运输地理研究现状和趋势。结果表明:可达性是国内外共同关注的研究热点,主要从宏观的空间格局和微观的出行行为进行分析; 交通扶贫逐渐成为国内研究前沿问题,而国外乡村交通的公平与服务水平逐渐成为前沿。目前,乡村交通运输地理研究在空间格局、区域效应以及规划与政策等方面取得了一定进展,但是受到乡村交通本身发展和相关数据的限制,乡村交通运输地理研究的关注度和影响力仍然较弱。面向乡村振兴战略的需求,乡村交通运输地理研究未来有必要立足于乡村人地关系地域系统理论,系统研究乡村交通运输系统的发展规律,深入探究乡村交通与其他要素的相互作用规律,强化宏观的时空格局分析与微观的机理解析相结合,推动其理论发展与实践探索。
As an interdisciplinary research field of rural geography and transport geography, the research of rural transport geography has gradually attracted the attention of scholars in China and overseas in recent years. The keyword co-occurrence analysis and burst detection analysis by CiteSpace software were adopted to explore the research hotspot and frontier of rural transport geography, and the research progress and trend were summarized. The results show that accessibility is the research hotspot in China and overseas, including macro spatial pattern analysis and micro travel behavior analysis; transport poverty has become the research frontier of Chinese literature, while equity and service of rural transport has become the research frontier of overseas literature. Currently, there has been some research progress about the spatial pattern, regional effects, and planning and policy of rural transport; however, due to the slow rural transport development and limited rural transport data, the attention and influence of rural transport geography research is weak. In future, under the background of rural revitalization strategy, based on regional system theory of rural man-land relations, the systematic analysis of the development laws of rural transportation system, the in-depth study on the interaction between rural transportation and other elements, and the combination of macro spatial-temporal pattern analysis and micro mechanism explanation is necessary for its theory development and practice exploration.


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收稿日期:2023-02-21; 修回日期:2023-03-22
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