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Impacts and Causes of Land Desertification in Modern Coal Mining Districts in the North of Shaanxi Province——a Case Study from Daliuta-Huojitu Mining District(PDF)


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Impacts and Causes of Land Desertification in Modern Coal Mining Districts in the North of Shaanxi Province——a Case Study from Daliuta-Huojitu Mining District
LI Zhi-pei12 XU You-ning1 GUO Li1 CHEN Hua-qing1 XU Yong2 WANG Min1
(1. Xi' an Center of Geological Survey, China Geological Survey, Xi' an 710054, Shaanxi, China; 2. State Key Laboratory of Continental Dynamics, Northwest University, Xi'an 710069, Shaanxi, China)
coal mining desertification ground subside water resource geologic environment Shaanxi Province
In order to make up the impacts of modern coal mining on land desertification and geologic environment at the junction of desert and loess in the north of Shaanxi Province, based on remote sensing interpretation, GIS and field investigation on large scale, taking Daliuta-Huojitu mining district of Shenfu Coalfield as an example, evolution characteristics of land desertification and geologic environment of coal mining district in the last 20 years were analyzed, influencing factor of land desertification was discussed. The results showed that land desertification was on a decreasing tendency during the last 20 years, the main period of land desertification decreasing was from 1986 to 1996, the main reason was that scale of coal mining was small in the period and the subsided area increased slowly; since the 1980s, the subsided area caused by coal mining in the district was keeping expanding, but the subsided area had little influence on serious and moderate land desertification at least; since 1996, although the coal mining increased continuously, the subsided area increased exponentially, but land desertification kept relative stable; coal exploitation caused large surface collapse and fissure, water table depression, discharge of spring decreased(even dried), surface runoff decreased, and so on. Therefore, the main factors influencing land desertification in the mining district were climate change and others, not ecological characteristics and mining collapse. The effective mean is to build ecological environment and water resources conservation district, which also improves land desertification.


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Last Update: 2010-12-20