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Coupling of paleomagnetic polarity reverse with climatic change recoded by magnetostratigraphy in Northern China during Quaternary(PDF)


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Coupling of paleomagnetic polarity reverse with climatic change recoded by magnetostratigraphy in Northern China during Quaternary
ZHENG Guo-zhang 12YUE Le-ping 1
1. Department of Geology, Northwest University, Xi’ an 710069, China; 2.School o f Urban and Environment Science, Shanxi Normal University,Lin fen 041004,China
Quaternary magnetostratigraphy paleomagnetic polarity reverse climatic change Northern China
This paper analyzed the relationship between paleomagnetic polarity reverse and climatic change recoded by magne- tostratigraphy of loess, Nihewan Basin and Yellow Sea shelf in Northern China during Quaternary by paleomagnetism. The sdudy indicate that the coupling exists in between paleomagnetic polarity reverse and climatic change during Quaternary: Matuyama/Gauss polarity transition and Brunhes /Matuyama polarity transition correspond with climatic chill period during Quaternary. Normal polar- ity subchron of Matuyama reverse polarity chron and reverse polarity subchron of Brunhes normal polarity chron correspond with cli- matic warm period. Therefore, paleomagnetic polarity reverse of Quaternary may be one of the main driving factors.


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