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Characristics of Post-glacial Incised-valley Stratigraphic Sequence in Yangtze River Mouth Area(PDF)


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Characristics of Post-glacial Incised-valley Stratigraphic Sequence in Yangtze River Mouth Area
CAO Guang-jie12ZHANG Xue-qin1XIONG Wan-ying1
1. School of Geography, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210097, Jiangsu, China; 2.School of Geography and Tourism, Linyi Normal University, Linyi 276005, Shandong, China
last graciation maximum post-glacial Yangtze mouth region incised valley stratigraphic sequence
During the last glaciation maximum, strong fall in base-level led to rejuvenation of the Yangtze River, and a deep incised-valley was formed. Some coarse gravel loaded by the river deposited in the river channel. The postglacial transgression caused by sea level rise led to the filling of the incised valley and formation of the river channel, floodplain- estuary, estuarine-shallow marine and deltaic stratigraphical units. From bottom to top, the middle incised valley is com- posed of channel, floodplain-estuary, estuary-shallow marine, and modern deltaic facies. As demonstrated by section of drilling cores in the incised valley, the post-glacial transgressive cycle appeared between the apical area of the Yangtze delta and the river mouth area,with decreasing marine influence upstream. In the middle of the incised-valley, strati- graphic sequence was perfect. The edge of the incised-valley lacked the sand-gravel bed of the river channel at the bot- tom. The retrogressive aggravation and the river channel deposition of the last glaciation maximum and the sea-level rise of the postglaciation accumulated sand-gravel bed of the thick river channel facies at the bottom. There exited many types of the depositional gap within depositional sequence.


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Last Update: 2006-09-20