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Lacustrine Sediments’ U-seires Age and Its Significance in Jiezechaka Lake of Tibet(PDF)


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Lacustrine Sediments’ U-seires Age and Its Significance in Jiezechaka Lake of Tibet
YANG Jun-feng 1LU Shu-w ei1ZHAO Hong2CUI Xiao-feng1LüXian-he1
1. Geological Survey Institute of Henan Province, Zhengzhou 450007, Henan, China; 2. School of Earth Sciences and Resources Management, Chang’ an University, Xi’an 710054, Shaanxi, China
age of U-seires late Pleistocence evolution of lake climate envirnment Jiezechaka Tibet
According to the geological and physiognomonical survey of Jiezechaka lake located in the Northwest of the tableland of North Tibet, the lake is closed and abundant in Boron, Lithium, Potassium, Strontium. There exists a distinctive perch lake shoreline at an altitude of 4 850 metres, 325 meters higher than the present lake- surface, six levels of lacustrine deposit terrace developed between the old and present shorelines. The U-series age of the lacustrine sediments in different altitude is(14.2± 1.2)ka BP(T2)、(38.0± 3.5)ka BP(T4)and (41.6± 3.2)ka BP(T5)respectively. The lake, thus far, is known as the largest descending extent of the lake surface in the tableland of North Tibet. By reckon of the falling speed, the old lake shoreline and the lacustrine sediments formed in(120~ 90)ka BP, the same as the Namucuo lake in the East and Tianshuihai lake in the west. It indicates that there is a period of flooding lake in the tableland of North Tibet during the late Pleisto- cence. At about 100 ka BP, the surface of the lake began to decline and the lake evolved in closed environment. The salt lake formed in 14 ka BP and climate might began to become drought from west to east.


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Last Update: 2006-09-20