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Simulation for Coal Gangue Leachate Transport in Groundwater in Yujiagou(PDF)


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Simulation for Coal Gangue Leachate Transport in Groundwater in Yujiagou
Department of Mechanics and Engineering Sciences, Liaoning Technical University, Fuxin 123000, Liaoning, China
coal gangue groundwater numerical modelfinite element method
The coal gangue eluviation of Yujiagou of Fuxin coal miming area is studied for the pollution evaluation of groundwater. The mechanism of coal gangue eluviation in the aquifer is analyzed. By considering the effect of variable density groundwater flow on concentration contribution, a coupled numerical model is developed for sim- ulating the multi-component solute transport in groundwater. The model is discreted by using Gelarkin finite-ele- ment method and a Picard iteration scheme, the basic parameters are obtained by indoor soil pillar test and the process of coal gangue leaching is simulated with which the temporal and spatial distribution features of solute concentration are predicted. The result indicates that the contaminated plume is continually extended toward two axis as time increases, and the vertical diffusion is more obvious. The concentration distribution of contaminant is subtle to variation of fluid transport, and fluid density can have various effect on different solutes, because their character are different from each other. The average error of eluviation concentration is less than 6% which veri- fies the reliability and practicality of the model.


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Last Update: 2006-12-20