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Distribution Regularity of Fluorine in Shallow Groundwater in Unsaturated Soils of Kuitun River Basin,Xinjiang(PDF)


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Distribution Regularity of Fluorine in Shallow Groundwater in Unsaturated Soils of Kuitun River Basin,Xinjiang
SHAO Lin-linYANG Sheng-keWANG Wen-keFENG Xiu-fang
School of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Chang’ an University, Xi’an 710054,Shaanxi, China
Kuitun river basin fluorine regularity of distribution formative factors Xinjiang
Through analyzing the fluorine contents in the shallow groundwater in unsaturated soils of Kuitun river basin, the following conclusions are drawn:(a)From the deluvial gravel plain in front of the mountains to the ag- graded flood plain, the migration and distribution of the Fluorine behaves three geochemical zones, i.e., leach- drain, drain-leach evaporating, lixiviation-violent evaporating concentration;(b)Content of fluorine is relatively high in the fine clay soil and silt layer, but relatively low in the sand layer; and relatively high near the groundwa- ter level in the soils no matter unsaturated soils belong to what kinds of rock structure;(c)Content of fluorine of the three rivers in the river basin is lower in upper stream than in down stream, and the magnitude of increase of fluorine content is relatively small in the upper stream but relatively big in the down stream, the along river lane, fluorine content in water and soil increases gradually from near river shore to off-shore. It is thought that the con- centration of fluorine in the region is dominated by evaporating. Thermodynamic theory verification indicates that the distribution regularity of fluorine in water and soil are same and may interchange.


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Last Update: 2006-12-20