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Gradient Effect of Climate and Exploitation to Peculiarly Climatic Resources in Mountainous Area(PDF)


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Gradient Effect of Climate and Exploitation to Peculiarly Climatic Resources in Mountainous Area
DENG Ya-jing 1MING Qing-zhong2
1.Department of Tourism and Foreign Business, Liuzhou No.1 Vocational School, Liuzhou 545007, Guangxi, China; 2.School of Tourism and Geography Sciences, Yunnan Normal University, Kunming 650092, Yunnan, China
mountainous climate gradient effect climatic resources exploitation
This paper introduces the idiographic representation of the gradient effect of climate in the mountainu- ous area of such factors as the oxygen quantity, the carbon dioxide, vapor and the solid grain in the air, the air pressure, the actual sunlight hours and the chief radiation, heat quantity as well as rainfall, etc. In addition, it analyses the influence of the gradient effect of climate on the environment and human activities. Considering the actual condition of the gradient effect of climate, it is pointed out that hunman being should follow the principles of ecosystem, natural protection, landscape harmony and adjusting measures to local condition through analysing the characters of the climatic resources in the mountain area. Meanwhile,numan being should better explore the special climatic resources, such as the climatic tourism resources in the mountain areas, the diversified climatic resources as well as climatic niche resources, etc, and show their characters outstandingly, develop the agricul- tural production and tourism activities different from that in the flat areas. In this way, the characteristic climatic resources in the mountain areas can be fully utilized.


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Last Update: 1900-01-01