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Distribution Characteristics of the Chemical Component of Groundwater and Its Affecting Factors in Chabu Well Field of theOrdos Basin(PDF)


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Distribution Characteristics of the Chemical Component of Groundwater and Its Affecting Factors in Chabu Well Field of theOrdos Basin
SUN Fang-qiang12QIAN Hui3YANG Liu-gang2JIANG Jun2FU Dong-ping2
1.School o f Geological Engineering and Surveying, Changan University, Xian, 710054, Shaanxi, China; 2.Xian Center, China Geological Survey, Xian 710054, Shaanxi, China; 3.School o f Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Changan University, Xian, 710054, Shaanxi, China)
well field type of chemical component nitrate pollution affecting factor
In order to provide evidence for the protection of water quality in the source area, the characteristics of chemical components for 96 groundwater samples in Chabu well field and their spatial distributions were analyzed, and the affecting factors of chemical components of groundwater were discussed from analyzing the depositional environment and runoff and discharge conditions of groundwater. The results indicate that in the eastern area, the main anion in groundwater is HCO-3, the water quality is good, and its mineralization degree is less than 1 g/ L; in the western area, the main anions in groundwater are SO2-4and Cl-, the water quality has been worsened, and its mineralization degree is increased obviously. In addition, nitrate contamination of groundwater is obvious in Chabu well field. And the water quality has been partially worsened due to high F- concentration and mineralization degree. The factors affecting the quality of groundwater include the depositional environment and runoff and discharge conditions of ground water and human being activities. These factors must be considered in formulating protection plans for water resources in Chabu well field.


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Last Update: 2008-12-20