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Attribution of Longshoushan Terrane: Evidence from the Crustal Structures and Mesoproterozoic-Neoproterozoic Strata(PDF)


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Attribution of Longshoushan Terrane: Evidence from the Crustal Structures and Mesoproterozoic-Neoproterozoic Strata
XIA Ming-zhe12XIA Zhao-de12LU Rong-hui3JIANG Chang-yi12
1. School of Earth Sciences and Resources, Chang'an University, Xi'an 710054, Shaanxi, China; 2. Key Laboratory of Western Mineral Resources and Geological Engineering of Ministry of Education, Chang'an University, Xi'an 710054, Shaanxi, China; 3. Sichuan
Yangtze Craton North China Craton Longshoushan Terrane crustal structure crystalline basement sedimentary cover Mesoproterozoic-Neoproterozoic
In order to study the attribution of Longshoushan Terrane, the crustal structure and stratigraphy of Longshoushan Terrane were discussed. Longshoushan Terrane has a double-crust structure with the crystalline basement and sedimentary cover. The crystalline basement composes of Longshoushan Group. Longshoushan Group is mainly banded-augen migmatite with amphibolite rocks, granitic gneiss, biotite-plagioclase gneiss interbedded and generally experienced amphibolite face regional metamorphism. The lower parts of sedimentary cover are consisted of Dunzigou Group of Jixianian System and Shaohuotonggou Formation of the top of Sinian System, missing Changcheng System, Nanhua System and Neoproterozoic. Dunzigou Group experienced burial metamorphism, and siltstone with phyllite-structure and sandstone recrystallized to some extent with stratigraphic grounds intact. Shaohuotonggou Formation of Sinian System is consisted of gravel-bearing phyllite and silty phyllite in the upper part and glacial conglomerate in the lower part. The moraine layer is accompanied with the Cambrian phosphorus-bearing strata. The overall crustal structures of Longshoushan Terrane are the same as North China Craton. The Yangtze Craton has three-fold crustal structure with crystalline basement, fold basement and sedimentary cover, and is different from North China Craton and Longshoushan Terrane. Longshoushan Terrane, therefore, should belong to North China Craton.


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Last Update: 2011-06-20