|本期目录/Table of Contents|

 TANG Zhong-li,LI Xiao-hu,JIAO Jian-gang,et al.Problems and countermeasures of mine geologic environment[J].Journal of Earth Sciences and Environment,2005,27(02):1-4.





Problems and countermeasures of mine geologic environment
TANG Zhong-li1LI Xiao-hu2JIAO Jian-gang1YAN Hai-qing 1
1.School of Earth Sciences and Resources Management,Chang’ an University,Xi’ an 710054,China; 2.School of Resource and Environment,Lanzhou University,Lanzhou 730001,China
mine geologic environment problems prevention and cure countermeasures
论述了矿业开发对大气环境、水文系统、土地资源的影响及引起的地质灾害,根据矿山地质环 境质量评价,提出保护与防治矿山地质环境,实施清洁生产工艺,预防和减少污染,采用先进治理技术修 复环境污染,走绿色矿业之路。
The effects of mining on atmospheric environment, water resources and rand resources, as well as the geological disaster caused by mining, are discussed. According to the assessment of quality of mine geologic-environment, a series of countermeasures of prevention and cure for the mine geologic-environment are put forward, such as adopting clean produc- tion technology to prevent and reduce pollution, applying advanced engineering technology to renew environment and taking the mode of the“green mining”.


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更新日期/Last Update: 1900-01-01