|本期目录/Table of Contents|

[1]曹丽文,桑树勋,姜振泉,等.垃圾卫生填埋衬垫系统工程 地质研究的若干进展与问题[J].地球科学与环境学报,2006,28(01):96-100.
 CAO Li-wen,SANG Shu-xun,JIANG Zhen-quan,et al.Developments and Problems about Engineering Geological Research of Liner System for Sanitary Landfill of SolidWaste[J].Journal of Earth Sciences and Environment,2006,28(01):96-100.

垃圾卫生填埋衬垫系统工程 地质研究的若干进展与问题(PDF)




Developments and Problems about Engineering Geological Research of Liner System for Sanitary Landfill of SolidWaste
CAO Li-wenSANG Shu-xunJIANG Zhen-quanZHANG Jing
School of Resource and Earth Science, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou 221008, Jiangsu, China
liner system development man-made geological body system engineering geology solid waste
总结了衬垫材料、结构、渗滤液运移规律、污染质与岩土体的耦合关系等方面的研究进展,分析了中国 城市卫生填埋衬垫系统在机理研究和工程实践中存在的问题。提出了衬垫系统的工程地质研究思路,将垃圾 体、衬垫作为统一的人工地质体系统,利用工程地质学理论和研究方法,研究这一人工地质体系统在渗滤液、填 埋气体等作用下的工程地质规律与特征及其与天然地质体之间的矛盾协调关系。
The developments about research on the material, structure and horizontal seepage of liner system, the coupling between leachate and rock and soil system were summarized. The problems on the theory and practice of liner system in China are analyzed. This paper puts forward a new idea about the engineering geological research of liner system in which the waste and liner are taken as an unified system of man-made geological body. And by applying engineering geological theories and research methods, the engineering geological rule and feature of the united system of man-made geological body influenced by leachate and landfill gas could be studied. Meanwhile, the contradiction and harmony relationship between the man-made geological body and the natural geological body could be also researched. On the other hand, it is important to strength the cross-study among engineering geolo- gy, environmental science and biochemistry.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2006-03-20