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Guidelines for Authors

Journal of Earth Sciences and Environment (JESE, ISSN 1672-6561,CODEN DKYHA8,Diqiu Kexue yu Huanjing Xuebao) is a bimonthly international journal that publishes in Chinese high quality original research articles and timely reviews in interdisciplinary fields of Earth and Environment Sciences. JESE aims to bridge innovative, provocative and challenging concepts and models related to various fields of research including petrology and geochemistry in understanding lithospheric architecture and mantle dynamics, global tectonics, economic geology and fuel exploration, geophysics, stratigraphy, paleontology, hydrogeology, applied geophysics, environment geosciences and engineering geology with new insights on correlations and evolution. The manuscript types with double-blind peer-reviewed are research and review articles. Selected colour figures of accepted papers will be on-line publishing in colour, and printed free of cost in black-and-white picture. JESE is a unique open access publication that provides free full text download of all articles published in the journal through the platform (http://jese.chd.edu.cn/) without any page charges or subscription requirements.

Manuscripts should generally exclude figures, tables and references.

Title page: please provide the following information on the title page.

The title should be concise and informative. Choose as few words as possible to describe the contents of the paper adequately.

Author names and affiliations
List the authors on the title page by full names whenever possible. Chinese contributors’ names should be written with authors’ surnames first, followed by given names; for example: GAO Ya-lin. List authors’ affiliations and addresses below each name, including the full postal address.

Abstract (may be placed on a separate page following the title page)
Each manuscript must be accompanied by an informative abstract of no more than one paragraph and up to 350 words. The abstract should state briefly the nature of the study, its principal results and major conclusions. It should not state what the paper intends to do or what will be discussed.

Please provide a maximum of 8 keywords, avoiding general and plural terms and multiple concepts immediately after the abstract. These keywords will be used for indexing purposes.

This section should provide sufficient background information to allow readers to understand the context and significance of the problem.

The methodology employed in the work should be described in sufficient detail.

The results section contains applications of the methodology described above and their earth science interpretation.

Discussion of the research in the context of similar or earlier studies.

This should explore the significance of the results of the work, not repeat them.

Place acknowledgments before the references in a separate section. The information on grants received is as a footnote on the title page.

Reference list
The reference list is placed at the end of a manuscript, immediately following the acknowledgments.

Figures and tables
Each figure and table must be called out (mentioned) sequentially in the text of the paper. Each figure must have a caption, and each table must have a heading.

Spacing and paragraphs
All parts of the manuscript must be double-spaced in 12-point type using Time New Roman or Song Typeface. Each paragraph must be indented. The manuscript text file should be in doc/docx format, and not in pdf format.

Figures and tables
In the manuscript, figures should not be embedded in the text. Figure files, sequentially numbered and referred to in the manuscript text, should be submitted separately in .jpg, .tif, .cdr or .eps format. Figure captions should be listed at the end of the manuscript on a separate page before the first figure page.
Tables, including should not be included within the text but should be separately submitted. The manuscript text should carry a list of the table captions.

Please ensure that every reference cited in the text is also present in the reference list. Do not list references that are not cited in the text. We recommend the form of sequence coding system.

All illustrations must be submitted in electronic format.

All illustrations, graphics and photographs, must have a resolution of at least 300 dots per inch (dpi).

Page and color charges
Selected colour figures of accepted papers will be on-line publishing in colour, and printed free of cost in black-and-white picture.

General preparation tips
Please provide as high-definition of CorelDraw files as possible

Manuscripts in Chinese should be submitted through the online manuscript submission system of Http://jese.chd.edu.cn/, Manuscripts in English should be sent to the E-mail address (dkyhxb@chd.edu.cn; jese@chd.edu.cn). All the large attachments should be sent by E-mail to the editorial office.

All correspondence relating to manuscript submission and other queries should be addressed to the Editorial Office of JESE at: dkyhxb@chd.edu.cn; jese@chd.edu.cn.