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Release people:administrator Release time:2014-11-10 14:29:00 Browse the number:4282
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  Once the manuscript has been registered, the author(s) will receive a manuscript number from the online editorial support system, and will be asked to upload the manuscript files as described in the manuscript submission. A plagiarism check is applied and a report is available to editors and referees (if applicable).
  The Editorial Support System automatically allots the manuscript to the topical editor covering the relevant subject areas. She/he gets access to the entire manuscript. The topical editor nominates at least two independent referees to review the manuscript without the author’s names and organization.
  Once at least two independent referee reports have been received, the topical editor reads these reports and makes a suggestion (no further review, further review by topical editor only, further review by referees and topical editor, or rejection). The topical editor can request technical corrections (no further review), minor revisions (further review by topical editor only), as well as major revisions (further review by referees and topical editor), or rejection. If the topical editor suggests accepting the manuscript, the editor-in-chief finally makes a decision (acceptance/rejection) according to the manuscript revised, independent referee reports and the topical editor’s suggestion.
  The Editorial Support System informs the author of the manuscript about the decision and provides the independent referee reports without the referees’ names.
  The peer-review process of each manuscript is summarized in the manuscript records. Topical editors, authors, and referees also have access to parts that concern them.